Monday, 31 March 2014

Coding: Bank Program #1

Screenshot of a section of program:


Write a program for a simple bank. The bank only has one customer and the customer has only one account. The customer needs to be able to withdraw and deposit money. This is the minimum required.

Remember to
  • comment your code.
  • Give the proper feed back to the customer. e.g if he/she withdraws money and there is insufficient funds, inform the customer.
  • Think of error scenarios. e.g invalid input.

Mark 9 out of 10.   
-1 because the program did not terminate or give the user an option to terminate.

Well done!

Thursday, 27 March 2014

Dépliant: Découvrez L'Égypte Ancienne!


Imagine that you are a resident of Ancient Egypt. You have been employed by the central government to promote tourism as an industry. One of your first tasks is to design a travel brochure. This brochure will be distributed along the trade route linking the Indus Valley with Cairo in Egypt. Your brochures will be distributed in large numbers in Cairo.
This is what you do:
  • Prepare a letter-size sheet of paper by folding twice to form a tri-fold brochure.
  • That will give you three outside areas, or "panels," to work with and one large area, or "spread," inside.

Prepare your information:
  • Review library and Internet resources about the civilization of Ancient Egypt. Extend your knowledge of the region and the culture by carrying out this research.
  • Arrange your information according to "topics" based on the assignment. For example, you might gather all information collected about living accommodations that a visitor might expect to find in Egypt; the kinds of terrain a traveler might expect to pass through; modes of transportation; the gifts tourists can expect to buy in the ancient city; and things to see and do in Ancient Egypt.

Tips for designing a brochure:
  • Create a colorful and eye-catching cover for your brochure.
  • Remember that you want to attract visitors; you will want to present hardship and danger on the journey as excitement and adventure.
  • Make your brochure as attractive, appealing, and informative as you can.
  • Balance text with illustrations and use plenty of color

Each brochure will be required to include- Trouves des régions intéressantes à visiter. Mentionnez les villes majeures.- décrivez qu'est ce que les gens aiment faire et qu'estce qu'ils font pour se divertir.- expliquez le système religieux et politique brièvement pour qu'es les visiteurs connaissent un peu sur le pays.- trouvez un aspect intéressant de l'egypte que vous pensez pourrait attirer des touristes.a detailed map of Ancient Egypta list of major cities at that timeinformation about language(s) spoken;facts about the government;information about the culture of Ancient Egypt;types of transportation a visitor would seehow natural geography played an important role in the lives of people;a hieroglyphic message to be decoded using a hieroglyphic decoder such as The Hieroglyphic Alphabet or Hieroglyphic Decoder.
*Utilise Easybib pour citer vos sources

Travel Brochure Template:

Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Chemistry: 1rst Presentation: Fiberglass/GRPs

Mark: 85%

"It was a nice presentation on Glass Re-enforced Polymers, you explained well GRP and its uses.
You focused on the given task and handled the question well enough.
The only thing to improve is that the production process of GRP was not explained properly."


Tuesday, 11 March 2014

Chemistry: Test 3

The third text I did not fair too well since it consisted mainly of numericals. This test focused on the begining sections of chapter 5. 

Egypte: Wordle

Activité: Wordle

Pour apprendre plus au sujet des légends, les mythes, les religions and les deities de l'ancienne Égypte vous allez complèter cet activité. Quand vous avez terminé, vous allez le mettre dans votre "Journal de réflection".

Étape 1: Vous allez visiter des sites web qui parle des légends, mythes, religions et deities de l'ancienne Égypte.

Étape 2: Vous allez copier et coller les noms de ces légends, mythes, religions et deities pour créer un Wordle pour représenter les termes. Pour mettre 2 mots ensemble, il faut utililser ceci "~" entre les mots (tilde character ~ between words that go together). Il faut avoir entre 13 et 18 termes. Il faut copier et coller le terme plusieurs fois pour que le mot devient plus grand, comme vous le voyer en bas. Alors, pour les termes plus importantsrendre les mots plus grand. Je vous encourage de le faire en premier dans un document word, car tu ne veux pas perdre tous vos mots

Étape 3: Enregistre votre Wordle comme jpg. or png.

Étape 4: Écrivez la date dans votre journal de réflection: Mardi le 25 mars 2014. Écrivez le titre Légends, Myths, Réligions and Deities.

Étape 5: Insérer votre image.
